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Personal safety information to help students, faculty and staff protect their possessions, their identity, and their person.
Learn more about this campaign and how to report any suspicious activity.
Learn about this free program, available to students, faculty and staff.
Review policies and programs.
Learn more about the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act and additional resources.
Get additional safety resources, links and downloads.
ÐÓ°É's Campus Safety Department is pleased to announce the addition of crime prevention videos to our website. In addition to the documents, Staying Safe on Campus and Keeping Yourself and Your Classroom Safe, these videos provide a comprehensive source of personal safety information to help students, faculty, and staff protect their possessions, their identity, and their person. Remember the safety of ÐÓ°É students, employees, and visitors is everyone's responsibility and it is a priority for the leadership at ÐÓ°É.
To view these videos:
Faculty and Staff
The Campaign
ÐÓ°É is proud to announce its partnership with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the State of Florida in the nationwide . A simple, yet effective program which raises awareness of indicators of terrorism, terrorism-related crime, and acts of violence, and emphasizes the importance of reporting such suspicious activity to proper law enforcement authorities. The number supplied is managed and monitored by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) within the state's Fusion Center which coordinates information and intelligence received between appropriate local, state, and federal officials.
What To Report
It is important to understand that factors such as race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation alone are not suspicious. For that reason, the public should report only suspicious behavior and situations (e.g., an unattended backpack in a public place or someone trying to break into a restricted area) rather than beliefs, thoughts, ideas, expressions, associations, or speech unrelated to terrorism or other criminal activity. Only reports that document behavior reasonably indicative of criminal activity related to terrorism will be shared with partner agencies.
If you witness suspicious activity on campus, call Campus Safety at 954-201-HELP (4357).
If you witness suspicious activity off campus, call 1-855-FLA-SAFE (1-855-352-7233).
A common safety tip is ensuring that you never walk alone and walk in pairs, especially at night. In our efforts to continually enhance the safety resources of the College community, we have developed the free Safety Escort Service Program that is available to you as a student, faculty, or staff member of ÐÓ°É.
Campus Safety provides safety escorts to the entire campus community via the Safety Escort Service Program. Safety Escorts consist of Campus Safety Officers, private security personnel, and/or students. Safety Escorts are available to provide walking escorts for students, faculty, and staff to and from their vehicle, office, or classroom 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please contact Campus Safety to request this free service by dialing 954-201-HELP (4357).
ÐÓ°É recognizes the health risks and costs associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol and is committed to providing a drug-free and alcohol-free educational environment, which supports the mission of the College. In compliance with the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, ÐÓ°É strictly prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance at the College. Sanctions are in place for those who violate the policy. ÐÓ°É also provides counseling to both its students and employees for alcohol and drug abuse.
ÐÓ°É policies 6Hx2-6.32 and 6Hx2-5.18, as well as Code of Conduct 6Hx2-5.02, specifically address the use or sale of alcoholic beverages at all ÐÓ°É sites is prohibited. Students may not be under the influence or in possession of alcohol while on college property or while participating in a college-sanctioned activity. It is unlawful to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone less than 21 years of age in a public place or a place open to the public is illegal.
ÐÓ°É policy 6Hx2-5.18, as well as Code of Conduct 6Hx2-5.02, addresses the substance abuse policy. Violators are subject to College disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fines, and/or imprisonment in accordance with ÐÓ°É Student Code of Conduct 6Hx2-5.02 up to and including expulsion from the College. If a student is required to submit to a drug screening by the Dean of Students based on behaviors that indicate the use of drugs or alcohol which impairs their ability to perform in their academic program, refusal to submit to such a drug screening will be treated as a positive test result. The College retains the right to dismiss a student from the College or from a specific program, in accordance with the Program Guidelines for that program.
In addition, ÐÓ°É faculty and staff need to abide by the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and Procedure 6Hx2-3.05.
Any employee who violates the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and Procedure 6Hx2-3.05 is subject to discipline up to and including termination. The College may require an employee who violates this policy to successfully and satisfactorily complete a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a federal, state, or local agency.
For further information regarding standards of conduct and sanctions under Local, State, and Federal Law, visit the Campus Safety website where you can view the full ÐÓ°É Annual Drug and Alcohol Disclosure.
The Office of Student Life at each ÐÓ°É campus sponsors various drug and alcohol abuse education programs in partnership with state and local law enforcement outreach activities and non-profit organizations. In addition, various counseling options are available through ÐÓ°É's partnership with Henderson Mental Health Center and other organizations.
The Office of Human Resources maintains through the College's Health Insurance provider, CIGNA, an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that offers mental and behavioral counseling, as well as alcohol and narcotics addiction/abuse education/prevention counseling, and therapist referrals.
Student Counseling
As you pursue your education, you will encounter challenges that will affect your ability to be successful. Concerns about relationships, family, stress, body image, and drug and alcohol abuse can cause distress and problems with day-to-day living. This student success program is available to all full-time or part-time ÐÓ°É students.
Are you dealing with Anxiety, Stress, Low Self-Esteem, Depression, Anger, Substance Abuse, Disturbing Thoughts, or Sexual Assault?
To schedule an appointment or for 24-hour crisis support call 954-424-6916
The federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act requires colleges and universities to institutions of higher education to advise the College community where law enforcement information provided by the State concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. The act also requires registered sex offenders/predators to provide appropriate state officials notice of each institution of higher education in that state at which the offender/predator is employed, carries on a vocation, or is a student. Below are links to sex offender registry information at the Local/County, State, and Federal/National levels:
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Toll-free: 1-888-357-7332
In addition, through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE), you may obtain a list of sexual offenders and predators registered as enrolled, employed, or volunteering at ÐÓ°É. Visit the , offered by FDLE. Select from the dropdown list ÐÓ°É.
The pamphlets and brochures below are made available to help educate and inform you on the best ways to stay safe while studying and working on our campuses and centers. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with them, or feel free to print them and carry them with you.
An emergency call box is your direct line to help. When the button is pushed a direct call is automatically placed to Campus Safety and your location is identified. Emergency call boxes are strategically located throughout the main campuses for your safety. Each Campus map shows the various locations of the code blue emergency and yellow wall mounted call boxes. Students and staff are encouraged to learn the locations of the emergency call boxes and use them for emergency communications.
In 2014, the Department worked closely with various other departments to begin the installation of emergency phones in classrooms. As part of the BC Alert system, these phones will broadcast alert messages when issued. In addition, these phones are set up for emergency use only. In the event of a police, fire, or medical emergency, the phone may be used to dial 911. These phones will not dial out other than for contacting 911 during an emergency. If it is safe to do so, the phone may also be used to call Campus Safety after calling 911. Emergency phones are labeled with instructions for use.
In classrooms across the College, there are emergency guidebooks which provide specific procedures to ensure that during an emergency you have the instructions needed to respond appropriately. Included within the emergency guidebooks are response actions for severe weather, hazardous material incidents, medical emergencies, dangerous individuals, fires, bomb threats, and other general emergencies. We recommend you familiarize yourself with the information contained in these guides prior to an actual emergency. Reading and understanding the information is important to ensuring an effective response.
ÐÓ°É recognizes that safety doesn’t stop when you leave campus. Below are some helpful links that can be of further assistance to you.
Emergency Preparedness
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Law Enforcement
(FDLE will now allow searches by University/College Campus). Toll free at 1-888-FL-PREDATOR (1-888-357-7332)
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The Campus Safety Personnel Commendation & Complaint form was created by the Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness as a resource for students, faculty, and staff to express their concerns or appreciation regarding matters dealing with Campus Safety Personnel. We want the ÐÓ°É community to have an avenue to express their comments as we take them very serious. While completing the form you have an option to, or not to, leave follow up contact information. By leaving contact information it allows for us to follow up if additional information is needed. Please complete the below form and click submit. Once you have submitted the form, it will be sent to the appropriate person who will handle accordingly.
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