Academic Advising Frequently Asked Questions

All degree seeking students are assigned an academic advisor based on their career pathway, last name, and home campus.  Your assigned advisor’s name will be displayed in the BC Navigate system.

ÐÓ°É provides all degree-seeking students with a success coach and an academic advisor. Your Student Success Coach is responsible for establishing a welcoming onboarding experience to ÐÓ°É by providing comprehensive answers resulting in successful registration in your first term. Your success coach is available to assist you until you are fully registered and paid for your first term.

Once you are fully registered and paid for your first time, you will work with your assigned Academic Advisor. Advisor assists with the exploration of career options, academic requirements, and selection of courses. ÐÓ°É assigned Academic Advisor by career pathway, last name, and home campus. To schedule an appointment with your Academic Advisor visit MyBC.

Students can schedule appointments with their assigned advisor in BC Navigate.

Directions can be found at:  Advising Appointment

If you are a First Time in College student, the New Student Orientation (NSO) team will help you make your first advising appointment via BC Navigate.

Advising appointments are typically scheduled for 30 minutes. Please be on time.  If you are 10 or more minutes late, you may be required to reschedule.

Please log into BC Navigate for your advisor’s contact information.

You may email your advisor if their calendar is not showing availability for appointments.  If you need immediate assistance and your advisor is unavailable, please consider joining the Qless queue via this link:  

Although your advisor may be able to advise you about the financial aid block, only financial aid will have access to removing holds.  Please contact the financial aid office to receive assistance at 954-201-2330 or join the financial aid Virtual Qless line. 

You must initiate the request via Dynamic Forms using the “change of program” document. This form can be found at Student Forms under the Advising tab.  Please make an appointment with your advisor if you are considering a program change.

You should make an appointment with your advisor to develop a personalized Academic Plan for your pathway. You may see general information about the degrees and program options on our ÐÓ°É page.

Please click on this link to view detailed step-by-step instructions on viewing your academic plan Accept Your Academic Plan.

We highly recommend meeting with your advisor at least once per semester or as necessary.

You may seek support at the Academic Success Center (ASC).

BC’s Seahawk Outreach Services (SOS) provides wrap-around services and holistic support to students by connecting them to key campus resources and referring to community organizations. If you are not sure how to get help, your advisor can assist by connecting you with SOS.

For more information regarding Transcripts, visit the Registrar

The Limited Access Application can be found at under the Advising tab. Once completed, it will be sent to your advisor for review and signature. 

This form is for students who have completed the admissions requirements and are eligible to apply for a Limited Access Program.

Official transcripts are typically evaluated within the first term of enrollment provided all completed transcripts are on file. Transfer students must meet with an academic advisor and provide unofficial transcripts before selecting courses.  We highly recommend making an appointment with your assigned advisor to review transcripts.

Please submit your official scores to the Registrar Department. Electronic scores may be sent directly from the college board via this link:  

Make an appointment with your academic advisor during your graduating semester to ensure that you have completed all your required courses to graduate. For graduation information please visit this link: Graduation

Update your address to the location where you wish to receive your diploma or certificate sent in the mail. Diplomas will be mailed to the address on your record, within 4 - 5 weeks of the official graduation date. If your mailing address changes after the graduation date, please ensure you have mail-forwarding arranged through the United States Postal Service.

For more information regarding Diplomas, you may visit the Registrar.

Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor to explore transfer options at ÐÓ°É or to discuss other transfer institution requirements before your graduating semester. You may also obtain additional information and services via our transfer department by accessing the department link here:


FERPA and the Parent of the Student

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. According to Federal FERPA Regulations 34 CFR 99, and Florida Statute 1002.22, the parents of a student who has reached the age of 18 years or is enrolled in a post-secondary program no longer have any rights under the provisions of this policy, unless the student gives written consent to release the information to the student’s parents.

Any student who would like to allow another person to access their education records must complete a .

For more information, please review the FERPA Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

It is the responsibility of the student to /drop her or his course registration up through the published deadline for a 100% refund. Courses dropped prior to this deadline will not appear on the academic record.

After the published deadline for 100% refund, a student may withdraw up to the published last day to withdraw. Withdrawn courses remain on the student’s transcript with a status of withdrawal (W), indicating that the student registered for the course but withdrew. After the deadline for withdrawal, grades are earned and recorded.

A student will be permitted a maximum of two (2) withdrawals per course. After the second attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive a grade for that course.

Students who can demonstrate that extenuating circumstances impacted their ability to withdraw by the deadline or need to withdraw after the deadline may petition for a late withdrawal by completing the Academic Standards Petition. Petitions for late withdrawal are accepted for up to six months following the end of the requested course’s term.

To understand the impact this may have on your financial aid, please refer to Financial Aid

Review this for step-by-step instructions on adding and dropping courses from your schedule.