Student Success Outcome One 

Students will develop a career goal and identify their academic pathway based on their personal interests and aptitudes, as well as knowledge of labor market information and local employers. 

Student Success Outcome Two 

Students will engage with college professionals and employers for career exploration, job readiness, work-based learning, and placement throughout their academic journey.

Student Success Outcome Three 

Students will improve their confidence as it pertains to their connection to employment opportunities.


Year Zero

Topic Selection

QEP topic selection process.

Year One


Identification and onboarding of key players, plan refinement.

Years Two through Five


<< We are here now >>

This phased approach includes:

  • Discovery: Catalog and organize all current activities related to each level.
  • Experience Design: Map out existing and ideal student journeys and align people, processes, and tools. 
  • Testing: Deploy pilot of each level to a delta student group.
  • Optimization: Assess and analyze data for process improvement.
  • Go Live: Deploy optimized CEO program level to all students.