CLEP Equivalencies

The provides an opportunity for BC students to earn college credit for prior knowledge in certain subject exams available by CLEP. To qualify for college credit, students must earn an appropriate passing score on the nationally administered exam. 

  • Request CLEP Transcript by accessing your
    • CLEP Score Transcript Request Instructions
    • Use College Code: 4469
    • Effective July 1, 2022, CLEP exams will be kept by College Board for 10 years. The new policy applies to any CLEP exams scored after this date. Students who took CLEP exams prior to the new policy taking effect on July 1, 2022 can still contact CLEP Services to request scores for exams taken up to 20 years ago. 
  • CLEP Contact Information
    • (800) 257-9558

Take a CLEP exam at a ÐÓ°É Testing and Assessment Center!

ÐÓ°É uses the minimum scores, credits, and guidelines for awarding credit for exams established by the State of Florida's Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). For additional information, please review ÐÓ°É Policy 6Hx2-4.11 and ÐÓ°É Procedure A6Hx2-4.11.

ÐÓ°É Contact Information:

Credit-by-Exam Facts:

  • Credits will not be awarded for examinations that duplicate course work or other exam credits previously posted to a student’s academic record.
  • Students must request to have their official score transcript sent from the College Board to the ÐÓ°É Registrar’s office electronically. Unofficial copies cannot be used to award credit. 
  • For additional information on ÐÓ°É's policy on granting credit for credit-by-exam, please review ÐÓ°É Policy 6Hx2-4.11 and ÐÓ°É Procedure A6Hx2-4.11.
Exam Title Course Equivalent Credit Hours Passing Score Available at Testing and Assessment Center Satisfies Writing Requirement Satisfies International/ Intercultural Requirement

American Government 

Meets Civic Literacy Requirement

POS2041 3 50 Yes Yes
American Literature AML2010 3 50 Yes Yes Yes
Analyzing and Interpreting Literature None (Recommend American or English Literature) N/A N/A No
Biology BSC1005 (no lab credit) *3 50 Yes
Calculus MAC2233 (Business Calculus) 3 50 Yes
Chemistry CHM1020 (no lab credit) *3 50 Yes
College Algebra MAC1105 3 50 Yes

College Composition

(Recommended for BC Purposes)

ENC1101 & ENC1102 6 50 Yes

College Composition Modular

(Not recommended for BC Purposes)

None N/A N/A No

College Algebra-Trigonometry 

(unavailable after 6/30/2006)

MAC1147 3 50 No
College Mathematics MGF1106 or MGF1107 3 50 Yes

English Composition with Essay 

(Unavailable after 6/30/2010)

ENC1101 3 50 No Yes
English Literature LIT2000 3 50 Yes Yes Yes
Financial Accounting ACG2001 3 50 Yes
French Language


FRE1120 & FRE1121 (Meets Foreign Language Requirement)







Yes Yes
Freshman Composition (Unavailable after 6/30/2006) None N/A N/A No
German Language


GER1120 & GER1121 (Meets Foreign Language Requirement)







Yes   Yes
History of the United States 1: Early colonization's to 1877 AMH2010 3 50 Yes Yes
History of the United States 2: 1865 to Present AMH2020 3 50 Yes Yes
Human Growth and Development DEP2004 3 50 Yes Yes Yes
Humanities HUM1020 3 50 Yes Yes Yes

Information Systems 

(Formerly Information Systems and Computer Applications) 

Meets Digital Literacy Requirement

CGS1060C 3 50 Yes
Introduction to Educational Psychology EDP2002 3 50 Yes
Introduction to Business Law BUL2241 3 50 Yes
Introductory Psychology PSY2012 3 50 Yes Yes Yes

Principles of Accounting

(unavailable after 6/30/2007)

ACG2001 3 50 No
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO2013 3 50 Yes Yes
Principles of Management MAN2021 3 50 Yes
Principles of Marketing MAR1011 3 50 Yes
Principles of Microeconomics ECO2023 3 50 Yes
Natural Science None N/A N/A No
Precalculus MAC1140 3 50 Yes
Social Science and History None N/A N/A No
Sociology, Introductory SYG2000 3 50 Yes Yes Yes
Spanish Language


SPN1120 & SPN1121 (Meets Foreign Language Requirement)







Yes   Yes

Spanish with Writing

(Not Recommended for BC Students)


SPN1120 & SPN1121 (Meets Foreign Language Requirement)







Yes Yes


(unavailable after 6/30/2006)

MAC1114 3 50 No
Western Civilization 1: Ancient Near East to 1648 EUH1000 3 50 Yes Yes Yes
Western Civilization 2: 1648 to Present EUH1001 3 50 Yes Yes Yes