Study Abroad in San José, Costa Rica

A small, democratic country in Central America nestled between the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean, Costa Rica is exceptional in that many environments can be visited within a short time. Rain forests, cloud forests, unspoiled beaches, coral reefs, white water rivers, and volcanoes can be reached within a couple of hours by car from San José. Costa Rica has the highest standard of living of the Central American countries.

San José is the capital of Costa Rica. At 4000 feet above sea level, it boasts a springtime climate all year round. The city surprises visitors with its vitality and the unmatched friendliness and warmth of its residents. Students have easy access to the city's museums, restaurants, bustling markets, and the National Theater. The surrounding areas, including beaches on both the Pacific and the Caribbean coasts, are all within a few hours' drive from the city.

​Universidad Veritas - Semester and Summer Programs

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