BC Talks: 5th Annual College-wide Speech Contest

So You Think You Can Speak: An Impromptu Showdown

About the Event

BC Talks’ So You Think You Can Speak: An Impromptu Showdown is the 5th annual college-wide speech contest. Impromptu speaking, also known as “thinking on your feet” or “speaking off-the-cuff,” is the delivery of a speech without much or any time to prepare. To do well, a contestant must discuss the topic appropriately, develop an organized speech, as well as deliver the speech with confidence and within a specific time limit. Contestants will be challenged on 3 different levels as contestants are eliminated at each level based on the audience’s votes. Although viewers will vote on the contestants that will compete after the first two levels, BC Talks judges will decide on the top three winners after the 3rd level.


  • To showcase the public speaking capabilities of our student body
  • To provide an opportunity for proficient speakers to gain contest experience
  • To educate students on the fundamentals of public speaking by observing proficient speakers

Event Details


To be eligible to compete in the BC Talks Speech Contest, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be an enrolled ÐÓ°É student (full or part-time) for Spring 2022
  • Must submit a completed contest entry form to bctalks@broward.edu by Friday, April 8, 2022 by 12:00pm (noon).
  • Must be committed to being physically present to compete during the scheduled competition on April 14th 
    • Contestants are encouraged to attend a dry-run to answer questions, which will be schedule prior to the contest based on the availability of contestants (TBD). At this meeting, we will decide order of presentation by contestant. Information will be provided after the registration deadline date.

Contest Details

Mode of Delivery

Impromptu Speaking: Delivery of a speech without much or any time to prepare

Time Length

The speech should be one to three minutes

Time to Prepare

Each contestant will have 15 seconds to gather their thoughts before they begin speaking.

Speaker's Attire

The speaker should dress in business casual attire

Visual Aid

No visual aid will be allowed from contestant during the speech contest.

Contest Levels

Contestants will be challenged on 3 different levels as contestants are eliminated at the first two levels by the votes of the viewers. BC Talks judges will make final decision on the top three winners of the contest.

Level 1: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

In Level 1, each contestant will be shown a different picture. From the picture, each contestant must
draw a moral from the picture and present an impromptu speech about the moral of the image.

Level 2: It's Storytime
  • In Level 2, each contestant will receive a different story prompt. Based on the story prompt, each contestant must continue the story from where the prompt left off and complete the story.
  • Example: I peeked through the curtains. There was a limo parked outside with two bodyguards. I heard a knock at the door...
Level 3: Speak Your Mind on Social Injustice
  • In Level 3, each contest will receive a social media topic from a bag of topics randomly selected by the host. Each contestant will have a choice from two topics. Each contestant will provide his or her
    perspective on the topic, indicating their stance (for, against, or neutral), knowledge, and experience
    related to the topic.
  • Example: Internet Dating via Social Media

Contest Rules

  1. Prior to or on day of the event, contestants will be given a number, in which the host will randomly select a number from a bag. The number will indicate the contestant identification number throughout the contest, as well as the order that the contestant will compete at each level.
    1. In order to compete, a contestant must have submitted a completed contest entry form (by April 9, 2022) to participate in the contest and met the eligibility requirements.
    2. Any registered contestants arriving after Level 1 of the contest begins will not be allowed to
      participate in the contest.
    3. There will be no new contestants accepted on the day of the event.
  2. During each level, each contestant will have 1 to 2 minutes to present an impromptu speech with 15 seconds to gather his or her thoughts.
    1. Each contestant must turn on the camera and microphone while the host addresses the contestant and before he or she speaks.
    2. Each contestant must stand to deliver the speech. Contestants should be visible from the waist up.
    3. Each contestant should refrain from using profanity, offensive, and inappropriate language.
    4. A contestant may not ask for a new speech topic. The contestant must deliver an impromptu based on the topic selected by the host.
      1. If the contestant refused to deliver a speech on the topic, the contestant will be disqualified.
    5. Failure to start speaking after 15 seconds of preparation may disqualify the contestant.
      1. Host will provide a 5-second verbal count down. If the contestant fails to begin the speech, the contestant will be disqualified.
    6. If a contestant experience connection issues which prevent him or her from delivering the impromptu speech and is unable to connect before the Level is completed, the contestant will be disqualified.
      1. If the contestant is able to reconnect before the Level is completed, the contestant will be able to deliver his or her impromptu speech after the last contestant presents.
      2. If the contestant is cut-off during his or her delivery of the impromptu speech due to connection issues and regains connection before the Level is completed, the contestant may re-do the Level with a new speech topic. There will only be one re-do due to connection issues.
        1. If the contestant regains connection before the Level is completed, the contestant will be asked by the host to select if he or she would like to do the following: (1) re-do the speech topic or (2) keep the original cut-off speech.
          1. The contestant cannot change his or her mind after the decision is made.
        2. If the contestant cannot regain connection before the Level is completed, the audience will be advised to vote based on the original or latest speech delivered.
  3. At the end of each level, using a poll, the audience will vote on a specific number of contestants that they would like to see advance to the next level after Level 1 & 2; however, BC Talks judges will decide on the top three winners after Level 3.
    1. The audience will be recommended to vote based on the following criteria:
      1. Content: Was the speech interesting?
      2. Organization: Was the speech organized and focused on the topic?
      3. Delivery: Did the speaker present the speech in an engaging, natural, and sincere manner?
      4. Confidence: Was the speaker confident?
      5. Time Requirement: Did the speaker meet the time frame of 1 to 2 minutes?
    2. The number of contestants that will advance to Level 2 & 3 will be determined by the BC Talks Committee Members on the day of the event based on the number of contestants that show up by the contest start time (no later than 3:30pm).
    3. In the case of a tie, the BC Talks Committee Members will make the final decision. Decisions by the committee are final.
    4. After the audience vote, the voting results will be shared with the audience.

Contest Procedures

Before the Contest

  • BC Talks committee members, hosts, timekeepers, and contestants should arrive at least 30 minutes before the event.
  • Contestants are briefed on the rules by the Contest Host.
  • At the dry-run event (TBD), we will decide order of presentation by contestant. The number will indicate the contestant identification number throughout the contest, as well as the order that the contestant will compete at each level.
  • Committee members and timer keeper are briefed on their duties by a member of the BC Talks Speech Competition Committee.

Timing of the Speeches

  • The timekeeper will record each speaker’s time. The timekeeper will note the time in the chat.
  • The timekeeper will keep the camera on, so he or she can be seen by contestants.
  • The timekeeper using a time card will signal to the contestant, the minutes remaining and the end of their speaking time.
    • A timekeeper will notify the contestant of the amount of time remaining from the total allotted time, using cue cards stating "BEGIN," "1 MINUTES LEFT", "30 SECONDS LEFT", and "STOP."
    • If the contestant does not stop after 20 seconds (2:20), the timekeeper will unmute his or her microphone to notify the contestant. Then, the contestant will be muted.
  • The timekeeper will not begin timing the speech until the speaker begins speaking.

Speech Time Limits & Grace Period

  • The minimum time for the speech shall be one (1) minute.
  • The maximum time for the speech shall be two (2) minutes with a twenty-second grace period (2:20). If the contestant does not stop after 20 seconds (2:20), the timekeeper will unmute his or her microphone to notify the contestant. Then, the contestant will be muted.

Tie-Breaking Judges

The members of the BC Talks Committee will act as tie-breaking judges.

  • The host will ask the members of the committee to vote on any ties after Levels 1 and 2 of the contests.
  • Each committee member will unmute his or her microphone and verbally cast a vote for a specific contestant.
    • In case of a tie, the host will cast the deciding vote.
  • The advancing contestants or winners will be selected based on the highest vote.

Protests and Disqualifications

  • Protests are limited to eligibility and originality and shall only be lodged by BC Talks committee members and contestants. Any protest shall be lodged with the host prior to the announcement of the winners.
  • Before a contestant can be disqualified based on originality, the contestant must be given an opportunity to respond to the BC Talks committee members. A majority of the BC Talks committee members must concur in the decision to disqualify.
  • BC Talks committee members can disqualify a contestant based on eligibility.
  • All decisions of the members of the BC Talks Committee are final.

Contest Preparation

On Zoom

Before the contest begins, each contestant should do the following:

  • Wear business casual attire (contestant will stand, visible from the waist up)
  • Identify quiet place
  • Check lightning (light should be in front of the face)
  • Check surrounding (space should be neat and clean)
  • Check the orientation of the camera
  • Adjust the height of the camera to eye level or just above eye level
  • Silence cell phone
  • Don't start until spotlight on them


While delivering your impromptu speech, each contestant should do the following:

  • Compose yourself. Be confident.
  • Relate the subject to what you know, experience, and interests of the audience.
  • Organize your speech. Use an introduction, body, and conclusion.
    • Do not ramble
    • In the body, cover just 2 or 3 points
  • Start and end with impact.
  • Stick to the time limit.
  • Make eye contact. Look directly towards the camera or screen.
  • Speak in a loud clear voice.
    • Enunciate
    • Watch speaking pace and rate
  • Use vocal variety.
  • Use appropriate language and humor.
  • Use body language (hand gestures, facial expressions).
  • Stay on message.
  • Avoid complaining about the topic in front of the audience.