Parking Information

ÐÓ°É’s traffic and parking rules and regulations are devised to provide adequate and secure parking lots for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors and to enhance the overall safety of pedestrians in roadways, parking areas, crosswalks, and walkways. 

Faculty/Staff Parking

  • Parking spaces identified for faculty and staff are for use ONLY by faculty and staff members. Students are always prohibited from parking in faculty and staff parking spaces.
  • Vehicles parked in spaces designated for faculty and staff MUST have a faculty/staff parking permit properly displayed.
  • Vehicles parked in disabled parking spaces MUST have a disabled parking permit in accordance with applicable laws.

Special Note for Parking at the Willis Holcombe Center (WHC)

  • Students, faculty, and staff must have a valid ÐÓ°É parking permit properly displayed to park at the WHC.
  • The College, in partnership with Florida Atlantic University, has an agreement with the City of Fort Lauderdale for the use of the 7th floor and designated areas of the 6th floor (6A, 6C, and Ramp 6E) of the city-parking garage located at 150 SE 2nd Street, adjacent to the WHC.
  • Students may obtain a parking pass for the WHC at the Campus Safety desk in the lobby of the WHC and will be required to present a valid ÐÓ°É identification card to obtain a WHC parking pass.
  • Employees must display their faculty/staff parking permit when parking at the WHC.
  • Any parking issues or citations related to the City of Fort Lauderdale parking garage must be handled directly with the Fort Lauderdale Parking Authority.

Parking Permits

College employees may obtain a staff/faculty parking permit from the ÐÓ°É Department of Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness district office at the Cypress Creek Administrative Center. New College employees will receive their parking permit during on-boarding when they receive their College identification card. Each faculty/staff permit will be numbered in order to identify the employee who was issued the permit.

When parking in staff/faculty parking spaces, permits are to be displayed inside the vehicle so they can be seen from outside the vehicle.  When the permit cannot be displayed on a vehicle’s rearview mirror, it can be placed on the dashboard or between the windshield and windshield sunshade when used. 

Parking permits are NOT required when parking in open spaces not specifically designated and/or reserved.

Students, faculty, and staff not affiliated with ÐÓ°É, but with a partnering institution, shall follow the permit processes of their respective institution of higher education.

Rules & Regulations


​​​In accordance with Florida State Statute (FSS) 1001.64(24), the Board of Trustees is authorized to establish traffic and parking regulations, to provide penalties for parking and traffic infractions in violation of College regulations, and to use Campus Safety Officers to enforce College parking regulations on all locations of ÐÓ°É.

​In accordance with FSS Chapters 316, 320 and 322, law enforcement agencies are authorized to enforce all traffic and parking violations on College property.

​In accordance with FSS 715.07, the College has the right to tow vehicles from College property. ​

​It shall be the responsibility of the Associate Vice President of Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness to administer and enforce traffic and parking regulations.

General Traffic and Parking Overview

  1. The driver of all vehicles shall obey the instructions of all official traffic control devices (to include all signs, signals, markings, and devices for the purpose of regulating, warning, or guiding traffic), unless otherwise directed by an authorized public safety officer.
  2. Parking Spaces
    1. Parking spaces identified for faculty and staff are for use ONLY by faculty and staff members. Students are always prohibited from parking in faculty and staff parking spaces.
    2. Vehicles parked in spaces designated for faculty and staff MUST have a faculty/staff parking permit properly displayed.
    3. Vehicles parked in disabled parking spaces MUST have a disabled parking permit in accordance with applicable laws.
  3. Vehicles parked in violation of College parking rules and regulations are subject to warnings. After three documented warnings a vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.  ÐÓ°É parking violations include:
    • Unauthorized parking in faculty/staff spaces.
    • Unauthorized parking in disable spaces.
    • Parking in no parking zones.
    • Parking in reserved areas.
    • Parking in loading zones.
    • Parking in other restricted areas.
  1. Vehicles obstructing the flow of traffic, creating a safety hazard, or parked in a marked fire lane, may be towed without having been previously warned, at the discretion of the College in accordance with FSS or applicable municipal and/or county regulations, at the owner’s expense.
  2. Towed vehicles can be recovered at the address posted on the signs from the location the vehicle was towed.

Violations & Fines

Vehicles parked in violation of College parking rules and regulations are subject to warnings. After three documented warnings a vehicle may be towed at the owner’s expense.

Fines for parking and traffic citations issued by a law enforcement agency are determined by State Statute and/or local ordinance. ​

Parking Areas

  1. Student Parking
    • Par​king spaces not specifically designated and/or reserved are considered open parking spaces for use by students, faculty, staff, and visitors.
  2. Faculty and Staff Parking
    • Members of the faculty and staff may park in faculty/staff designated parking spaces if their vehicle has a valid and properly displayed faulty/staff parking permit.
  3. WHC (Downtown) Parking Garage
    • The College, in partnership with Florida Atlantic University, has an agreement with the City of Fort Lauderdale for the use of the 7th floor and designated areas of the 6th floor of the city-parking garage (150 SE 2nd Street) adjacent to the Willis Holcombe Center (WHC). Students, faculty, and staff must have a valid ÐÓ°É parking permit properly displayed to park at this location or they will be ticketed by the City of Fort Lauderdale. Students may obtain a parking pass for the WHC at the Campus Safety desk in the lobby of the WHC and will be required to present a valid ÐÓ°É identification badge to obtain a WHC parking pass.  Employees must display their faculty/staff parking permit when parking at the WHC. Students, faculty, and staff must follow all Fort Lauderdale Parking Authority (FLPA) regulations and appeal any tickets at the FLPA office location. ​
  4. Carpool Parking
    • Visit or call (800) 234-RIDE for more information.
  5. Fuel Efficiency Designated Parking
    • Visit for more information.
  6. Motorcycle Parking
    • Special areas are designated for motorcycle parking. Parking permits are not required for motorcycles parked in motorcycle designated parking areas.

 Abandoned/Disabled Vehicles

  1. Vehicles shall not be parked at ÐÓ°É locations for more than three (3) consecutive days. ​
  2. After three (3) consecutive days, abandoned and/or disabled vehicles may be towed at the owner’s expense. ​


  1. Appealing a Tow: Individuals wishing to contest the validity of a tow may, within (10) days, do so by filing an appeal with the Associate Vice President of Safety, Security, and Emergency Preparedness, or designee.
  2. Appeals regarding citations issued by a law enforcement agency or parking authority must be made directly to the respective agency or by following the instructions listed on the citation. Once such a citation is issued, the College is not empowered to enter into the appeal process.