Report An Incident

Procedures for Reporting a Crime or Incident

  1. Call: 911 (for Police, Fire, or Medical Emergency)
  2. Call: 954-201-HELP (4357)

All students, faculty/staff members, and guests of ÐÓ°É are encouraged to report criminal activity, activity of a suspicious nature, and emergencies of any sort that occur at any of ÐÓ°É’s campuses or learning centers directly to the Campus Safety Department as soon as possible to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics and to aid in providing timely warning notices to the College community, when appropriate. Students, faculty/staff, and guests should immediately report crimes in progress and other emergencies by dialing 911.

Campus Safety is available 24 hours a day/7 days a week to respond to service calls. Campus Safety Officers will meet a caller anywhere on campus to investigate a reported incident and/or assist with notifying local law enforcement.


Be prepared to give your location. Take time to learn the campuses, centers, and especially those areas you frequent regularly.  Take note of building numbers, names, and landmarks which will help Campus Safety and Law Enforcement respond.

Give as much detail as possible. When reporting a suspicious situation, incident, or emergency, please give as much detail as possible about an individual or vehicle. When giving descriptions about individuals include gender, race, approximate height and weight, physical features, clothing, accessories, and anything else that would help responders to recognize the individual. When describing a vehicle include make, model, color, license plate, unique features, visible damage, and a description of the driver and passengers if any. 


For those who would prefer to report a specific incident or crime to someone other than Campus Safety or local law enforcement officers, ÐÓ°É has designated certain members of its faculty and staff to serve as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). Persons designated by the College as CSAs include: Academic Deans and Associate Deans, Campus Life Directors and Administrators, The Athletic Director and Assistant Director, Athletic Coaches and Assistant Coaches, Faculty Advisors to student groups/clubs, and Student Affairs Officials. All CSAs receive training and directives in accordance to their participation within the program and are capable of responding to your report. For the purpose of Clery Act reporting, all crimes reported to a CSA are forwarded to Campus Safety for inclusion in the Annual Security Report.

Counseling Services


The Office of Student Life at each ÐÓ°É campus sponsors various drug and alcohol abuse education programs in partnership with state and local law enforcement outreach activities and non-profit organizations. In addition, various counseling options are available through ÐÓ°É’s partnership with Henderson Mental Health Center and other organizations.​

24-hour Crisis Hotline: 954-424-6916​


As you pursue your education, you will encounter challenges that will affect your ability to be successful. Concerns about relationships, family, stress, body image, and drug and alcohol abuse can cause distress and problems with day-to-day living.  This student success program is available to all full-time or part-time ÐÓ°É students. 

Sexual Misconduct and Violence