ÐÓ°É Alert

BC combines all its emergency notification systems into a single-system concept called BC Alert to aid in the awareness of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Regardless of which notification methods/technologies are utilized, all emergency notification and warning messages come from BC Alert.

Updating Contact Information

In order for the BC Alert system to be most effective, users must review their contact information and update it as needed. Please see the instructions below.


  1. Log in to and select the Workday tile
  2. Click on your name in the upper right corner of the screen
  3. Click on View Profile
  4. Select Contact
  5. Select Edit and update your contact information appropriately.
  6. When finished, click on Submit


  1. Log in to and select the MyBC tile
  2. Bring the cursor to the Personal tab and select Change Address
  3. Review and update as necessary
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Update

Community Members

BC Alert Emergency Notification System

  • to receive alerts through the Everbridge Alert System
  • If you are not currently enrolled for alerts, you will need to

Delivery Methods

The BC Alert emergency notification system consists of the following delivery methods which are grouped into three categories primary, secondary, and tertiary. ÐÓ°É recognizes the following system as the standard by which all emergency communications will be initiated.


These are the primary notification methods that should be relied on the most. In any full-fledged warning, these methods will be utilized, in some cases where only a partial alert may be required, only a select few may be used:

  • HOME PAGE BANNER | The College has the ability to post emergency notification messages on its main website. This information is presented as a red banner across the top of the site
  • SMS TEXT MESSAGES | The College has the ability to send SMS text messages to registered phones of current students, faculty, staff, and authorized community partners. SMS messages generally contain the nature of the incident, location, and actions to be taken by the affected population.
  • EMAIL | The College has the ability to send email messages to the official ÐÓ°É email addresses of current students, faculty, staff, and authorized community partners. Email messages are sent through the emergency notification platform and are received as BC ALERT from the address of BCALERT@getrave.com. Email messages generally contain the nature of the incident, location, and actions to be taken by the affected population.
  • PHONE CALLS (VOICE ) | The College has the ability to make voice telephone calls to registered phones of current students, faculty, staff, and authorized community partners. Voice calls also include communications directly to Classroom Emergency Phones. Voice phone calls generally contain the nature of the incident, location, and actions to be taken by the affected population.
  • DESKTOP ALERTS - TO INCLUDE SELECT PUBLIC DISPLAY MONITORS | The College has the ability to pop up emergency alert messages on the screens of currently running computers, such as classrooms, libraries, computer labs, meeting rooms, offices, as well as ÐÓ°É laptops connected to the network. Desktop Alerts generally contained limited information such as the incident and the specific location.


While many of the following delivery methods may also relay warnings, they are considered secondary because they may not be used in every case or may have some delay associated with them.

  • FACEBOOK | The College has established an official ÐÓ°É page on the popular media site, Facebook. Alerts may be published to this account.
  • TWITTER | The College has established a distinct and official ÐÓ°É presence on the popular media site, Twitter. Alerts may be published to this account.
  • HOME PAGE ROTATING BANNER | The College has the ability to post generalized images to the main website on its rotating image-based banner. This information may directly contain the information or proceed to direct users to media advisories or other areas for further information.
  • MEDIA ADVISORY | The College's Public Information Officer has the ability to issue media advisories.
  • HOTLINES | The College has access to various hotlines which may be used to share specified information.


The following delivery methods may also relay emergency information, but they either have a substantial delay associated with them or are not within the direct administrative control of the College.

  • NOAA WEATHER RADIO | The College relies, in part, upon the use of NOAA Weather Radios for the dissemination of severe weather watches, warnings, and advisories. NOAA Weather Radios are readily available for purchase by ÐÓ°É departments and the general public from numerous local and online retailers.
  • TELEVISION, RADIO, NEWSPAPER, & ONLINE MEDIA | ÐÓ°É considers our media partners to be a critical part of emergency notifications and information sharing. As it is the usual role of news media outlets, if there is a significant emergency at ÐÓ°É, we can expect our media partners to cover the story and get the word out.
  • WORD OF MOUTH | While this may be the emergency communication method we can control the least, it cannot be discounted. Word of mouth re-dissemination of BC Alert emergency information is one of the most effective and critical delivery methods available. Community members can do their part by relaying official BC Alert emergency information to peers, friends, family members, or pretty much everyone seen on campus. Repost. Retweet. Quote. Whatever it takes to spread the word. Part of the responsibility of participants spreading information is to make sure that it is current and accurate. Individuals should only share BC Alert information.