Laboratory Fee Modifications

Florida Statute 1009.23(12) (a) grants authority to the Florida College System institutional board of trustees to establish laboratory fees. These fees "shall not exceed the cost of services provided and shall only be charged to persons receiving the service." In compliance with the state statute, ÐÓ°É created a specific institutional policy that governs the creation, review, and adjustment of laboratory fees (BC Policy 6.14). The review process includes an analysis of the paid enrollment for the course(s) and the actual allowable expenditures related to the course(s).

All laboratory fees are used to purchase items and equipment specifically related to the student learning outcomes and objectives of a course(s). The fees may also be used to support part-time personnel who work in the laboratories and support students enrolled in the courses.

Fee changes typically occur for three reasons:

  1. Fluctuations in Enrollment: The laboratory fee is based on paid student enrollment. Student enrollment has an inverse relationship with the laboratory fee. Therefore, if enrollment in a course decreases, then the laboratory fee increases. The overall expenditure for the course may remain the same but the per-student cost is increased due to the decrease in enrollment.
  2. Increases in the Cost of Expenditures: In situations where enrollment remains constant, or slightly increases, the laboratory fee adjustment is the result of increases in the cost of the expenditures related to that course. The college's procurement process requires departments to obtain multiple bids and/or quotes on course resources to evaluate the overall cost of the "goods or service." Systems are in place to ensure that the procurement process secures the necessary course resources at the most affordable cost to the student and the college.
  3. Revisions to Curriculum and Courses: If a course is no longer offered at the college, or the curriculum is modified within an academic program, to include the addition of a new course, these changes may impact the percentage of courses that share expenditures. When the number of courses is increased or decreased within a given program or the content of a course changes, the fees for these courses may be impacted.

The proposed fee changes in the table below are a result of a calculation that measures the paid enrollment in these courses against the annual expenditures of resources used to support these courses. In some disciplines, expenditures are shared across multiple courses. The calculation of these shared expenditures is based on a percentage equivalent to the enrollment in these courses, so students are only obligated for the actual cost associated with the specific course for which they are enrolled.

The proposed fee modifications will be presented to the ÐÓ°É Board of Trustees on Tuesday, December 3, 2024, at the Willis Holcombe Downtown Center, building 33, 12th floor, room 1208.

Laboratory Fees Proposed to be Remained the Same

Course ID Course Title Current Fee Effective Fall AY2026
AER1198C AUTO ENG REPR $ 39.00 $ 39.00
AER1695C AUTO ELECTRONICS $ 33.00 $ 33.00
AER2298C AUTOMATIC TRAN $ 68.00 $ 68.00
AER2398C MANUAL TRANSM $ 27.00 $ 27.00
AER2498C STEER AND SUSP $ 37.00 $ 37.00
AER2598C BRAKE SY CH RP $ 25.00 $ 25.00
AER2758C HEAT AIR COND $ 32.00 $ 32.00
AER2895C ADV ENG PERFRM $ 41.00 $ 41.00
AER2898C ENGINE PERFORM $ 37.00 $ 37.00
AMT1231C AVIONICS INSTALL I $ 4.00 $ 4.00
AMT1232C Aircraft Instrument Sys $ 4.00 $ 4.00
AMT1241C Comm/Navigation Systems $ 4.00 $ 4.00
AMT2262C AVIONICS LINEMX OPE $ 4.00 $ 4.00
BSC1005L GEN BIO NON-MAJOR LAB $ 25.00 $ 25.00
BSC2010L GENERAL BIOLOGY LAB $ 34.00 $ 34.00
BSC2011L INTRO TO BIO II LAB $ 42.00 $ 42.00
BSC2085L ANAT/ PHY I LAB $ 21.00 $ 21.00
BSC2086L HUM ANA PHY II LAB $ 28.00 $ 28.00
MCB3020L GEN MICROBIO LAB $ 5.00 $ 5.00
ZOO4713L VERT MORPH&PHYS LAB $ 4.00 $ 4.00
CHM1032L GEN CHM ALLIED LAB $ 19.00 $ 19.00
CHM1045L GEN CHM LAB I $ 19.00 $ 19.00
CHM1046L GEN CHM LB II $ 26.00 $ 26.00
ESC1000L EARTH SCI LAB $ 10.00 $ 10.00
GLY1010L PHYS GEOL LAB $ 17.00 $ 17.00
PHY2048L PH CALC I LAB $ 10.00 $ 10.00
PHY2053L GEN PHYS I LAB $ 10.00 $ 10.00
GLY4820L HYDROGEOLOGY LAB $ 10.00 $ 10.00
CJE2640C Introduction to Criminalists $ 10.00 $ 10.00
CJE2642C CRIM PRACTICUM $ 10.00 $ 10.00
CJE2643C ADVANCED FORENSIC $ 22.00 $ 22.00
CJE2770C FORENSIC PHOTO $ 10.00 $ 10.00
CTS1133C A+ COMPREHENSIVE $ 50.00 $ 50.00
CTS1134C NETWORK+ $ 57.00 $ 57.00
CTS2120C SECURITY+ $ 55.00 $ 55.00
CTS2126C PENTEST+ $ 100.00 $ 100.00
EGS1001C Introduction to Engineering $ 20.00 $ 20.00
COP1000C INTRO CMP PRG $ 62.00 $ 62.00
FIL1552C FILM EDITING $ 35.00 $ 35.00
FIL2473C VISUAL EFFECTS $ 35.00 $ 35.00
FIL2537C SOUND DESIGN FUND $ 35.00 $ 35.00
FIL2572C POST WORKSHOP $ 35.00 $ 35.00
FIL2573C CAPSTONE II $ 35.00 $ 35.00
MTE1004C INTRO MARINE $ 27.00 $ 27.00
MTE1040C DIESEL I $ 14.00 $ 14.00
MTE1062C MARINE CORROSI $ 32.00 $ 32.00
MTE1312C COMPOSITIES $ 264.00 $ 264.00
MTE1400C MARINE ELEC. $ 89.00 $ 89.00
MTE1543C MARINE A/C SYSTEMS $ 16.00 $ 16.00
MTE1651C BAS WELDING $ 140.00 $ 140.00
MTE2041C DIESEL ENGINES II $ 17.00 $ 17.00
MTE2420C ADV ELEC $ 43.00 $ 43.00
MTE2490C ELECTRONICS $ 14.00 $ 14.00

Laboratory Fees Proposed to be Removed

Course ID Course Title Current Fee Effective Fall AY2026
ZOO4234L PARASITOLOGY LAB $ 113.00 $ -
AST1022L ASTRONOMY LAB $ 3.00 $ -
PHY1001L AP PHYSICS LAB $ 23.00 $ -

Laboratory Fees Proposed to be Reduced

Course ID Course Title Current Fee Effective Fall AY2026
AER1081C INTRO AUTO TEC $ 49.00 $ 27.00
AER1698C ELEC SYS $ 55.00 $ 46.00
BOT2010L BOTANY LAB $ 15.00 $ 6.00
MCB2010L MICRO LAB $ 54.00 $ 51.00
ZOO2010L ZOOLOGY LAB $ 22.00 $ 15.00
CHM1020L GEN CHM LIB STU LAB $ 24.00 $ 6.00
CHM2210L ORG CHM LAB I $ 65.00 $ 62.00
CHM2211L ORG CHM LAB II $ 93.00 $ 62.00
PHY2049L PH CALC II LAB $ 20.00 $ 10.00
PHY2054L GEN PHYS II LB $ 20.00 $ 6.00
FIL1420C INTRO TO FILM MAKING $ 83.00 $ 69.00
FIL2432C FICTION FILM MAKING $ 83.00 $ 69.00
FIL2438C NON-FICTION FILM $ 83.00 $ 69.00
FIL2515C FILM CAP I $ 83.00 $ 69.00
MTE1073C GAS ENG DIAG + $ 20.00 $ 16.00
MTE2234C TRANS SYSTEMS $ 43.00 $ 34.00
MTE2541C MARINE AUX. $ 20.00 $ 13.00