

Provides an opportunity for students that have completed at least 75% of their degree program
Applicants must have a minimum 2.0 GPA
Applicants must have an  score of 2,100 to 6,500 (as determined by  completion).

Applicants must reside in the tri-county area (Miami-Dade, Broward, or Palm Beach County)

American Dream Scholarships

Albert E. & Birdie W. Einstein Endowed Scholarship


American Dream Scholarship

Dr. Joe Rushing BC Presidents' American Dream End Scholarship

Boyle Family American Dream Scholarship

Bochak Family American Dream Endowed Scholarship

Bochak Family American Dream Scholarship

The BrightStar Credit Union American Dream Annual Scholarship

Cartaya Family American Dream Annual Scholarship

Cartaya Family American Dream Scholarship Endowment

Mildred G. Coyne American Dream Scholarship

Distinguished Alumni American Dream Endowed Scholarship

Diane S. Friedman American Dream Scholarship

  • Health Information Management 

Emelina Fernandez American Dream Scholarship

  • Nursing

Ivy Stranahan Memorial American Dream Scholarship


The Ginny Loring American Dream Nursing Scholarship

  • AS or BS in Nursing

Gregory and Elizabeth McGowan American Dream Scholarship

Gulfstream Park American Dream Endowed Scholarship

The Jo Ann Cremata American Dream Endowed Scholarship

Louis & May Jean Wolff Fdn American Dream Scholarship Fun

Mary Cummings Memorial Nursing Scholarship

Porterfield Family American Dream Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Joe Rushing BC Presidents' American Dream Scholarship

The Rotary Club of Fort Lauderdale North Beach - American Dream

  • At least 75 percent completed with requirements to graduate AS, BS, BS in Nursing

Sisterhood Guild of America American Dream Annual Scholarship

  • Nursing

ÐÓ°É Presidents' American Dream Dr. Willis Holcombe

Louis and May Jean Wolff American Dream Scholarship

Do you have questions?

Student Financial Services is available to assist students with any questions concerning financial aid eligibility. It is our goal to ensure that your financial aid process is both pleasant and seamless. Contact us or click on the '?' to the right and choose CHAT to chat with a live agent!