UExcel (Excelsior College) Equivalencies

UExcel Examinations and Excelsior College Examinations (formerly known as Regents College Exams or the Proficiency Examination Program), are developed by Excelsior College with national accedication approvals. They provide an opportunity for BC students to earn college credit for prior knowledge in certain subject exams available by UExcel. To qualify for college credit, students must earn an appropriate passing score on the nationally administered exam. 

  • Request UExcel Transcript by accessing your 
    • Send UExcel Transcripts to:
      • ÐÓ°É
      • College Registrar’s Office
      • Transcript Department
      • 4205 Bonaventure Boulevard
      • Weston, FL 33332

Excelsior College will no longer offer UExcel exams after the Summer 2022 trimester and is no longer accepting new exam registrations. The last day to take a UExcel exam is Sunday, August 21, 2022. View on  

ÐÓ°É uses the minimum scores, credits, and guidelines for awarding credit for exams established by the State of Florida's Articulation Coordinating Committee (ACC). For additional information, please review ÐÓ°É Policy 6Hx2-4.11 and ÐÓ°É Procedure A6Hx2-4.11.

ÐÓ°É Contact Information:

Credit-by-Exam Facts:

  • Credits will not be awarded for examinations that duplicate course work or other exam credits previously posted to a student’s academic record.
  • Students must request to have their official score transcript sent from the Excelsior College to the ÐÓ°É Registrar’s office electronically. Unofficial copies cannot be used to award credit. 
  • For additional information on ÐÓ°É's policy on granting credit for credit-by-exam, please review ÐÓ°É Policy 6Hx2-4.11 and ÐÓ°É Procedure A6Hx2-4.11.


Exam Title Course Equivalent Credit Hours Passing Score Available at Testing and Assessment Centers Satisfies Writing Requirement Satisfies International/ Intercultural Requirement
Abnormal Psychology CLP1140 3 C Yes    
Anatomy and Physiology BSC1084 3 C Yes    
Calculus MAC2311 5 C Yes    
College Writing ENC1101 3 C Yes Yes  
Contemporary Mathematics MGF1106 3 C Yes    

Earth Science

(Effective for exams taken before 5/17/2018)

ESC1000 3 C No    

Earth Science

(Effective for exams taken on or after 5/17/2018)

ESC1000 3 C Yes    
English Composition ENC1101 3 C Yes Yes  
Ethics: Theory and Practice PHI1630 3 C Yes    
Foundations of Gerontology GEY1000 3 C Yes    
General Chemistry I CHM1020 (no lab credit) 3 C Yes    
Human Resources Management MAN1300 3 C Yes    
Introduction to Macroeconomics ECO2013 3 C Yes Yes  

Introduction to Music

(Effective for exams taken before 5/23/2019)

MUH1011 3 C No    

Introduction to Music

(Effective for exams taken on or after 5/23/2019)

MUL2010 3 C Yes   Yes
Introduction to Philosophy PHI2010 3 C Yes   Yes
Introduction to Sociology SYG2000 3 C Yes    
Juvenile Delinquency CCJ1500 3 C Yes    
Labor Relations MAN1400 3 C Yes    
Life Span Developmental Psychology DEP2004 3 C Yes Yes Yes
Managerial Accounting ACG2071 3 C Yes    
Microbiology MCB2010 (no lab credit) 3 C Yes    
Physics PHY1020 (no lab credit) 3 C Yes    
Precalculus Algebra MAC1105 3 C Yes    
Principles of Marketing MAR1011 3 C Yes    
Psychology of Adulthood and Aging DEP1401 3 C Yes    
Spanish Language SPN1120 3 C Yes    
Statistics STA2023 3 C Yes    
Weather & Climate MET1010 3 C Yes    
Workplace Communication with Computers OST1335C 3 C Yes    
World Conflicts since 1900 WOH2040 3 C Yes Yes Yes